Ever the Bipolar am I! This entry was not intended to have such juxtaposition! My hope that it still possesses a sense to it, but I can live with it just being what it is, very me indeed!
I was going to stay silent about the terrorist attacks of 9/11 because I no longer “feel” it, or at least not the way I once did. Feeling unclear as I did, not having an opinion, I wasn’t going to add to the static.
The reason I had a change of perspective? I was shown one via an oracle card. Leave it to my love of divination and guidance to open my eyes to what I have been feeling all along…that this is about death.
Set aside everything else, take it right to its core, we are talking about death. Not just any death, the death of many in unimaginable ways. This was the perfect act of terror because the form of the death was that of a horror movie. When I think upon 9/11…this is what I remember. I care not about the politics, yes it is indeed a horrible thing how these deaths were used to further this countries, already well in place agenda, but that does not erase that many died a horrifying death. So I set all that static aside to remember and honor death of the many and their families left behind.
The card I pulled is The Phoenix. Its key words are: resurrection, surrender to change.
So this is my moment to honor the lives lost, just simply put, people where subjected to a terrifying death but I find comfort in that they were released to be….what ever it was they decided to transform into next. Life, their lives as well as deaths were intended to teach lessons in the intricate web we all interconnect with, to surrender to this change brings some sort of enlightenment.
Just now whilst writing this blog entry, a sound shook our house in the form of a massive motorcycle caravan rumbling by. Outside my large picture window rode an endless sea of motorcycles of all sorts, even a few crotch rockets. Many had American Flags on their bikes, some had women riding on the back taking pictures, but they all shared the stone face of reverence.
Here is the picture I took. I will admit to being easily moved by this sort of display of unity for any cause. It’s an energy thing. I feel what they believe in, and when its of this magnitude…its a beautiful thing.
Tomorrow I will celebrate the Harvest Moon. I will ponder, reap, lament, and honor the coming death of Summer, of plants that brought us our bounty. I keep thinking there be a link, a connect back to the events of 9/11, but that’s when I get lost in the hurricane energy of pain. Perhaps someone less empathic can see the interconnective threads into the web and how it must have impacted the collective, on the side of the positive.
On a sunny day like today, like it was that day as well, The Sun is the symbol of life. And so I come full circle. Life, Death, Rebirth.