Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blood Moon Magic Makes For A Bloody Burning

 Blood Moon Altar

Blood spilled, dragons blood burned, cords affixed, songs sung, dances danced. All alone with me, myself and I…we merried our way to wholeness. 

Last night was a magical bursting long in the making. Looking long into my past has always been a peeling back of scabs long to heal but never quite getting the care required. I have healed a bit here and there, but with a pinpoint in my map of life that’s been denied attention.


The wounding of my mother is a sticky tricky thing that is so pervasive that it easy to get lost in the history of it. So with the help of a friend I found the answer in the reduced to the simplest of magics by the cutting of cords. I am cutting the cord of attachment to my mother. When I say this, I do not mean I’m cutting her away because I find that a dangerous and uncomfortable thing. She is my adopted mother to be sure, there is someone out there (maybe) who gave me birth, but she is not the one who so poorly raised me. So I see no way out of this simple fact, she is my mother.

Cord magic is very powerful, but one must be careful not to cause harm. You have to be clear that you are cutting away the past, not the now. The now is still forming so it an unwise act to sever what is unformed. At least this is true of parents, children, and the like. Boyfriends/girlfriends of destructive forces must be cut away in a complete and utter fashion. You have no need to keep threads of energy  between you.

So be careful how you cut the cords, threads, and even whisper like connections. The lite ones are easy and may not require actual cords worn to be cut at the moment determined. But threads to ones that do not serve our greater good may require this commitment. Wearing the cords, or in my case twine, is a commitment that creates a reminder of the work you have commenced. You must know when you literally cut the cord at the predetermined time , that this connection will be no more.

More on cords; they can be used for you to cut away a habit long learned or a recorded message running over and over again in your mind, most likely given by parents trying their best, but ending up causing a corded connection of malcontent that follows long into adulthood.

The whole point of this type of spell/magic is to set yourself free from what feels like a itch on the brain, that one you cannot scratch. But you can exorcise it. You have the tool to do so. So use it at will.
Also, be honest when pouring your intent into the cord; make sure you are clear about your part in the creation of the situation that is being let go. You want to know it’s there for you to pay attention to. I wear mine on my wrist where it is an often reminder of the work I’m conjuring. When I get to them  to cut it off, I will feel the literal release. It will become a burden to bear, one that must become an annoyance to the level where you cannot wait to be free of it. 

I believe that covers cord magic. 101 level at the very least. I hope someone reads this, works the spell, and releases themselves from some misaligned connection.  That would make me very happy and surge power into my works as well.

Sharing is caring, especially if it’s a bloody ritual born from pain endured, but liberated in love for you.  So pass it on….

Rainbow around last nights Blood Moon

Friday, October 18, 2013

Bloody Blood Moon Blessing

The Blood Moon is here and she is eclipsed and in opposition via Libra and Aries. I feel none of the friction, rather I feel deeply connected to the Other-world leaving me able to "see/feel" deeper than I usually/always do. On this day I feel messages burning in me, so to this end I am offering readings for $25.00 for thirty minutes.

I want to give the message more than I want to charge my full price for readings. Though making a bit of money is not a horrible thing either. I look at this to be a Win/Win!

Take a peek at the my "So You Want A Reading" page for details how we can make this happen!