There is this guy, he is one of those last named Blair
guys who make billions off their rags to riches stories proclaiming they possess
the magic formula for success and if you follow this formula, you too will succeed!
Fuck you, you fucking prat! Anyone offering you the keys to life’s success, is full of fucking bullshit. You possess the keys, you just have to find them and it's really fucking hard to do so.
As I write my memoir it has occured to me that I actually don't
offer get riches or attainments, only a tangible prospect of surviving a horrible moment
anyone reading my book might be stuck in. My book is about enduring this world,
not making money off of it. I offer a way out of the depths of hellish
experience into an understanding that we are all capable of redeeming any act
we may have committed or heal the horrors inflicted upon us. Everyone can be a Queen or King of Transformation, you just have to make it through this moment.
My book is a cautionary tale of wisdom via doing things all the wrong way. No uplifting tale
of success in the acquisition of funds that have no fucking meaning when you
are a puddle in the corner rocking yourself in and out of this world just trying
to find a tether to hold onto because you want nothing more than to slip into
the depths that rest just behind you. I don’t have an app for that. I have a
story that perhaps someone will read, find that it mirrors their experience, and
will use the tale to find their own tether.
Also, my book is not for everyone. I wrote Killer Pregnancy #3 the other day and
was actually taken aback at my own words, at how I used them, and the realization that not
everyone will find those words as well placed as I do. But for those that do, I
think they will find a comfort in them.

Ok enough with the grr, the soapbox, and the redundancy.
But look, even kitten Kali Ma is like "really?"