Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Back the Fuck up Buttercup...

This is just fucking silly. Happiness is not in the wings waiting for you to feel nothing so it can fill in. We feel a great many things both nice and not so nice. These feelings are not killing our happiness, we simply are NOT happy in the moment.

We find our way to happiness, it is not a given. Most of the time, for most of us, this takes concerted effort. To me memes like this one, though intended to be uplifting, can be the polar opposite for those of us still struggling with balance in our enlightenment. There are also the ones just touching a toe in the pool, still feeling afraid and angry, happen upon a sweet tidbit like this and think "fuck! I just killed an angel!" See to some in the fragile state (the gooey cocoon stage) of enlightenment, a message like this can seem fatalistic as one braves their inner dark terrain finding feelings to match.

We need more voices voicing realities rather than ridiculous ideologies that no one can live up to. And why oh why do more not see that this is just a side way step to the right away from Christianity. Stick an eagle feather in your cap and call yourself a white-lighter.

Which by and by…is okee dokee by me, just please refrain from wrinkling your nose in distaste at the knowledge that some of us are in the muck and glory of this gorgeous planet called Earth and finding our way through the dark... naturally.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Goddess Am I

The mind is the birthplace of the imagination, it is here where our feelings are processed making truth that it’s the ones that “act” upon the imaginable, that change the world. Waltz intent right into the world of form and you are making shit BE.

If it were that simple for everyone, humankind on a whole would know there are no differences between us as a race AND all that we survey. In turn the human race would come to the natural conclusion that we all are indeed….deity.  

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Winter Is Coming....

There can be no doubt at all, that I am mad as a hatter at present. I’m way deep in it and all I can do is silently scream into the quiet room as I blast music into my brain via ear buds. Winter is fast approaching and I feel that if I am still here when He starts his frosty march…I will just lay down and let him take me into the slumberlands.

I need movement. I am statue-ing into what I'm sure will not be a pretty forever face. My pain will be for all to see and not just the bits I allow access to. As it is my body swells with raging discontent observable to any watching the downward spiral I presently ride since my return to the states.

I need an intervention, but since I make it impossible to dominate me long enough for that sort of thing to be utilized, I shall do so for myself by sending me on retreat. I go to write and to be alone and to chisel off the icy marble attempting to stiffen me into the above mentioned, forever face.

This is not how this story ends.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Babble posts are better than no posts at all.....

Waiting is not my strong suit. Patience is not in my vernacular. Even with a knowing that I would indeed wait with no patience for it at all, I still fell into a puddle in the basement, in my bed, with my iPod firmly linked to my brain. It’s my new coping tool…do nothing but listen to music and figure out the mysteries of the Universe. One day I just know this will be of consequence, for now it feels like limbo on steroids.

Oh and have I figured some big shit out! But it’s as per the usual, hard to put into words readable by other, you know, humans. But I will tell Jana all about it and she will figure out the little tidbits that sound insane to me and make a sense of it. I do so love her for that. I need a decoder ring sometimes and she can be that for me and for this gift I want to kidnap her and take her with me…plots have plotted.

The one thing that is clear and easy to communicate is the release of more control that I insist on attempting even when I know there is nothing for it. I watched me fall into the puddle from an outside place and wondered why I was bothering. It seemed out of date and rather redundant. Still I did it for I had no other avenue at the moment to flow my inertia upon. I mean what do you do with suspension other than get comfy cause its fucking happening.

So this time I paid painful attention to every infliction and regret I set upon myself. I have it all stored up looking to never go into repeat mode again. I know I can alter how I react to these moments. I mean I did! Never did I go into the suicidal ideology moment, well not authentically. I heard the words and they fell flat. It might actually now be boring to want to die knowing I will never fucking actually do it. I live because I fucking cannot allow me to die. That is a FACT, so why fight it. See…I am letting go.

Can I have my Love Cookie now?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Eating Disorder Has Bipolar

Epiphanies are such lovely moments that if realized and materialized can indeed be life changing. Today I finished what was started on Monday when I went to a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. I asked the Universe and even declared on Facebook my intent of gaining tools and not long term talk therapy I have always found of little use at all. Well it’s exactly what I received and yet has taken nearly a week to work out the kinks.

So me being me and not at all conventional took the advice of the therapist literally and if that is not what she meant, well she told the wrong girl to think of her eating disorder not as a part of her (this is dangerous), but as an entity separate and whole from her. Give it a face, a body, a name...and so I did.

I had just a few days before Monday watched the cartoon movie Rise of the Guardians. Which is odd in and of itself since I only watch such films with kids about and have never done so alone, in my basement, and in a not so good mind space. I asked myself often, “what the fuck are you watching this for?” but ignored the question as I laid there like the sloth beast I can be, not caring enough to change the channel. However late Monday night after pondering what the therapist had said, it came clear to me why the fuck I did indeed watch that movie. Her name is Cupcake.

She is a large boyish girl in a tutu who is for a minute or so in the film, a rather unhappy girl. But Jack Frost sends her a magical snowball to the face and is transformed into a happy girl who plays with the other children rather than beating them to a bloody pulp. Or that is how I saw the way her character could have gone, but this is a kid film, not a Michelle film, so no blood. As you can see Cupcake from the movie and Michelle in the 5th grade, well there is some resemblance.

Now I was not a fat girl, I was a big girl. Being half Swedish I looked more football player than dancer, even though I was never good at sports, and actually a good dancer. Which in my twisted mind, makes the tutu fit. And so Cupcake becomes the imagery for my eating disorder...a disgruntled girl who looks like a boy and because of her size, intimidating, but really is kind hearted and innocent.

The rest of my week I start to converse with Cupcake when I wanted more food than was necessary, for which she would pout, and I admit to caving more often than not. This yesterday led to a rather large binge leaving me discouraged and witless as to how this was going to work. Today being what it is, a new beginning. Me not being one to not seize opportunity, communed with cigs, the sun, a very green smoothie and Tori Amos when above mentioned epiphany hit me straight to the…heart.

Earlier this morning I reposted on Facebook a bit about the heart chakra in various forms of dysfunction and was impressed how accurate it was and that I indeed had freed me from a good deal of said symptoms of a closed and or out of balance heart. So when I’m sitting there having a convo with the Sun and listening to Tori, I realize suddenly that the problem with Cupcake is that she is not ‘dark’ enough to be MY eating disorder and yet she fits so well at the same time! I’m running a conversation in my head that leads me right to the perfect imagery. She is not nasty enough to say “FEED ME” carnivorously, Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors is!

Seymour is the dark aspect of my eating disorder and Cupcake is the softer cuter side of it. She is me as a little girl wanting to fit in and Seymour is the end result of wanting to feed the big fucking gaping hole where mother should be.  Then Tori starts to sing Upside Down.

My head swims and my heart opens up (like the Queen Anne Lace flowers I’m starting at) even more because I know I once again found my answers with a tool from a third party and of course…its fucking polarized.

Cue Tori with Crucify.  Yes indeed “… my heart is sick of being in chains”. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let's talk about Love...

Your Card

I adhere to a standard of Love, Respect, and Honor. But this Love everything on Earth is...bullshit. It is simply not possible. In our striving to do so, we do far more damage to our budding psyches by attempting something so many teach in our New Age. Sweetness in Light has a place, but only if it is upon equal footing with Love in Darkness. Because when we fail at this balance, we believe ourselves to be "bad" people. I mean I must be, because I still want to punch a cunt every time I go to the fucking grocery store.

So to that end, I say fuck that and here, an example:

I love my mother, but she is not a part of me, she is a part of this wonderful/horrible world so I respect her as a human. But she is NOT a part of me and never has been. She did not give me life; she tainted it with her narcissistic ideas of mothering.

So am I expected to continue wishing a different result because she adopted me and called me daughter? I think fucking not. I set that idea free so I can be in this world as intended, so I can indeed LOVE freely in my own expressions. And my own expressions include knowing when to walk the fuck away. To honor what has been so I can embrace something new, warm, and supporting rather than stagnant and suffocating.

So no, sometimes we let go and Love another day, another way, and by doing so, we WILL be reciprocated with the Love, Respect, and Honor I spoke of above.  Read the card meaning that I pulled this morning and feel free to express YOUR opinions on my unpopular standard.

 This marker reminds you to show kindness and compassion to all whom you meet on your path—be it a beggar on a street corner, a co-worker, a family member, an animal, or a plant whose leaves need pruning.

This marker asks you to shift perception from yourself as a solitary person on the earth to one who’s part of a living system. Love is what made you, so keep it flowing. Remember to receive love as well. Ask yourself, “Am I blocking love?”

This marker reminds you that you’re as connected to all of life as it is to you, and that you’re responsible to be the steward of the love of the God/Goddess. Love is without conditions—it is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred, and acts in accordance. Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being.

Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes of Love and always ask before you act, “What would Love do?” The answer will always bring you extraordinary power.

This marker is a very fortunate and transformative omen.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Michelle the Geekazoid

Basically for four days my daughter and I have been watching movies with action flicks the highest concentration thereof. My brain is fuzzy and my belly overly full of steak and cheese. I feel geeked out to a level I need a good cleansing and here we are at the badass New Moon Monday to help me move into new and brighter energy! But I enjoyed my time with my kid watching dumb movies like Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, the last Twilight (thank the gods), and last night…Battleship.

I have a girly hard-on for action films, if they were once a comic book, better still. I did not read comics when I was a kid but I did adore the art. My impatience was clear even then for I would rather make up my own story than read what I never could understand because reading a comic is like reading a soap opera, it’s take several ‘episodes’ before you actually get what’s happening. So like most things in life, I made the shit up as I looked about the pages. Perhaps here lies the origins of my writing, the inner stories I made up from comics, movies, and TV shows. It was never enough these dull stories, I had to ‘flourish’ my ideas all over their asses.

Woah did I get off track. I love action flicks and this is my long winding segue into how I enjoyed watching the film Battleship. Yes I watched a movie based on a game. But let us not forget that a few successful films were created from a Disneyland ride (POTC) and a few off a set of toys (Transformers). 

So with the bar setting on low Kassandra and I sat down to watch Battleship and was surprisingly surprised. It had character and wit and though the aliens made no sense what so ever, I forgive them this because the writers pushed the nostalgia button with the well deployed plot twist of having REAL vets from Pearl Harbor man the battleship into war with it having just moments earlier been resting in the Harbor as a museum.
There were clearly many real vets and active duty in this film and I would sound chock full of patriotism if it were not for the fact that I’m not dumb enough to not notice this is a coordinated effort to make the Navy look badass. I mean Hollywood is clearly making a go at the recruitment film business of late with this effort really being Act of Valor with aliens and a sense of humor.

As I sit here the music from Conan the Barbarian has come to play on my iPod to remind me how much I love that movie, that it is one of my favorite films of all time. Does this make me a major geekazoid? Yes it does, and it may even mean I lost some cool points in the writing of this, let alone the publishing of it. But I think it important if you are to read my blog and then my book that you understand the whole of me, and well action flicks with plenty of amped up gratuitous violence and special effects are definitely a ‘thing’ of mine and one I hope is found endearing.