Saturday, October 30, 2010

Osho Says!

New Vision

When you open up to the ultimate, immediately it pours into you. You are no longer an ordinary human being – you have transcended. Your insight has become the insight of the whole existence. Now you are no longer separate – you have found your roots. Otherwise, ordinarily, everybody is moving without roots, not knowing from where their heart goes on receiving energy, not knowing who goes on breathing in them, not know the life juice that is running inside them.

It is not the body, it is not the mind – it is something transcendental to all duality, that is called bhagavat – the bhagavat in the ten directions…

Your inner being, when it opens, first experiences two directions: the height, the depth. And then slowly, slowly, as this becomes your established situation, you start looking around, spreading into all other eight directions.

And once you have attained to the point where your height and your depth meet, then you can look around to the very circumference of the universe. Then your consciousness starts unfolding in all then directions, but the roast has been one.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday List

Skin tag: Gone with not so much of a drop of blood and only a wee spot of pain! In the end it let go without the big fuss I predicted. Thanks skin tag!

Eating: Still not great, but not so bad either. Proud I am that I’ve nearly consumed no candy this Samhain season. Amazing for me and what sets off the sugar/carb intensive eating I do every fall/winter. So there is hope.

Sleeping: A lot!!! I’m sleepy most of the time, no staying up till the middle of the night and since I’m dreaming…that means I’m in REM sleep! Michelle said that once I’m in alignment to my higher self, that my alpha/delta sleep weirdness would align as well. Though I must admit to staying up when I likely could have slept. My bad.

Exercise: not so awesome, but today I shall get back to it. I’m going down into Terri’s underworld of a room in search of my 30 min yoga DVD. Wish me luck!

In General: I feel grateful for the support I have. Finding a way out of the house, to the shoppe and seek assistance has been a major step for me and one again that I am so grateful for. And yes, I get a big ole pat on the back for seeking assistance since it is so clearly…not my thing.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Painful Exorcism

It was time, it had to go. There so long that I became accustomed to its large bulbous head hanging off my neck like it had a right to be there. But it was wrong.

I set to a process that started off with painfully pinching the hot air balloon shaped skin tag. It of course fought back with redness, weeping and an almost infection. But I continued, I was not to give up just because of a little pain and infection.

Fast forward a few days and we have inched forward to the stage of a dying skin tag that needs time to let go wholly. The tip is dried up like a shrunken head of a scab. The base red and angry, in the beginning stages of mourning.

The final process for the skin tag will to fall off in defeat with the base retaliating with blood and pain. I figure that’s what Neosporin and band aides are for.

The process of mourning will end for the base with leaving a scar just begging to be noticed and asked, “What happened there?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Check List

Eating: badly.

Playing with grandkids: indeed.

Staying grounded: like a rock...a rolling rock.

Exercising: every few days.

Sleeping: badly times infinity.

Have more coffee: don't mind if I do.

Friday, October 22, 2010

I AM the Moon and the Sun

The moon called and listened. I sat in her light as I chanted my armor calling. I am protected from harm, my empathy stays with me. It is of my choosing when to relate, to reach out, to empathize.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

These are aspects of the psychic armor I am creating, a protection from others and myself. My empathic ability has been a detriment and must end now.

Definition of Reflect:

1.  Send something back: transitive and intransitive verb to redirect something that strikes a surface, especially light, sound, or heat, usually back toward its point of origin
The Moon reflects light from the Sun toward the Earth.

2.  Show mirror image of somebody or something: transitive and intransitive verb to show a reverse image of somebody or something on a mirror or other reflective surface

Definition of Deflect: 

1. Change course: transitive and intransitive verb to change course because of hitting something, or change something's course by coming into contact with it
The pitcher's arm deflected the ball into the outfield.

2. Direct attention away: transitive verb to direct people's attention or criticism away from a subject or issue to something else

3. Force alteration of plans: Transitive verb to force somebody to change what he or she is doing or planning to do

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crampy Angst

I HAD candy last night. I totally forgot, only it was chocolate and it left me nauseas. I guess only caramels can achieve that gratification I seek.

Tonight’s sleeplessness is brought on by music and cramps. I kept waking up stretching and moving as though awake by way of the music I was listening to. Which, at the moment I cannot recall. Finally now at 2:30 am I give you the charade of sleep and wonder if there are old movies of interest on.

My sudden interest in old black and whites is odd but makes sense when you realize my interest in vintage clothes, house wares, and the what not. Films of the same eras might be pulling me for that reason, or it’s just a part of my transformation.

Eating has been a challenge, as in eating too much. Hormones are to blame, but I hate that I seem powerless over something we do NOT need to do. Yes eat, not over eat. I feel so determined that I know I will get back on track once the blood flows. Till then I am just a cranky “gimme candy” girl.

I wrote a title page for the book. That’s progress, right?

What I have failed to accomplish is my armor. I’ve had ideas but they fall short or just fail in general. I do want to manage this; I just seem lost as to how. Feels like this Blood Moon and the Samhain the following week are still days to be utilized for great work that will release the bullshit that is keeping me from writing beyond the title page. I know there are steps of magic I must take in order to be both free and protected against the memories and my empathically deciding my feelings based upon those negatives.

Speaking of which, there is a whole other post that I will write tomorrow about my experience for the first time at Reiki circle. As per usual, I had experiences which just made me feel awfully self absorbed. Though that was NOT my intent, it would seem that the future of how I “read” now has materialized.

I feel grogginess coming on, I must take advantage of the wave for fear of missing it. And I would love to see the enormous bags under my eyes abate.