I thought that title might catch your attention.
So why is it that women are sluts and men are studs when it
comes to an active sex life that does not include monogamy? Puritanical
bullshit, that’s why! I mean my shoved way back in a corner puritan comes out
here and there. As example: I am not an exhibitionist and will turn from sexual
adventuress to dowdy prude in a hot fucking second if it even suggested.
With all this clatter about “slut shaming” I've taken a look back at the sexcapades of my twenties and don't recall really being slut
shamed, feeling ashamed or having any remorse for what I did. OK, there was mortification on
the highest level, but shame I suppose is not my thing because I’m far more embarrassed that I fucked a skinhead in a Native American graveyard than I’m
ashamed of doing so. Actually, I can tell that story laughing my ass off as it's over the top
fucking ridiculous and honestly, not to believed other than the fact that you
know, it really did happen.
I just feel already tired at the term “slut shaming”, though without
dismissing the reality of harm it causes. But evidently the garish over sexed 80’s
has been sanitized and forgotten in this 21st Century. And I think here lies the truth in why I feel
no shame…none of us fucking did! It was like the free love of the 60’s only
with white jeans, Nikes, big hair, and really dark eye shadow. Oh and that’s not
just the girls.
The scare of HIV and other sexually transmitted disease may
be in part the cause of all this shaming of the girls who fuck for which it seems boys are never
held accountable for. Its guilt is always pinned on the girls as to transmission, and never the boys responsibility. It’s not
their problem till they find their prick hot with puss and then of course
again, it’s the sluts fault, never theirs. No matter how much bullshit that is, slut or not, protect your private bits girls!
Even if YOU have to carry condoms in your purse when that boy may think
himself so sexy he can get away with “forgetting”. By and by….this was a common occurrence in
Belize. Men there do not believe they have to wear a condom and I believe this might be why so
many young girls are pregnant and some, have HIV.
So let’s touch on Belize for a moment. In my beloved Belize you
are slut in the male gossip mill but wanted for their beds in secret. There I named myself The
White Whore of San Ignacio, I thought it funny in that dark way I do even though it wasn't true at all. But I dared to be a
single white female living alone and hanging with the Rastas. It didn't matter that
I never slept with them, though not from a lack of effort on their part, it mattered that I partied with them and women do not hang out with men who they are not fucking. I did however get rather drunk with them on several occasions, but they were nothing but fucking gentlemen with me and always made sure I made it
home, even that one time I couldn't walk…that much at all.
Ironically the townsmen with prying eyes and womanly gossiping ways, never
knew who I actually was sleeping with. He and I were rather private about it, but
still, a slut I had been deemed and I never did help my cause as I hung out with
mostly men. When a group of very young backpacker/pirates came into my world, and we drank much “pirate juice” at a centrally located bar, the stories became
even wilder!
So am I a slut for sexcapading with more than one sexual partner in
My answer: I’m a sexually active middle aged woman loving every moment of my sexual awakening. It is I who chooses who I fuck without too much embarrassing compromises. Well unless said compromising position was agreed upon and well some shit was just out of my hands. Heh.
You know I arrived in Belize pretty broken physically with my weight very high, my memory fresh of gory oral infections and still healing from abdominal surgery. So slut shaming aside, I needed that sexual healing and Fuck Off to any who wish me to feel ashamed for that.
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