Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Great Fucking Mystery Dangle

I pull cards so that I may get messages as I cannot read for myself and of late, there has been a theme. Get prepared bitch, because we prefer you get the fact that you should never plan a thing, that we know what you are to do not.

My response? I'm off to the La Push for fierce ocean storm watching, writing, cleansing...alone time.

I can take it when the lightening bolts hits. I can even find gratefulness in the warning, for being prepared is not a horrible thing. Making plans is futile in this life I find me in and I will find my way to a joy in that. Experience is a bed partner I can embrace over suspension, for suspension lingers in nothingness. Experience is the explorer and dangles the leap into the new, which I am an expert at.

This card bugs the fuck out of me, but it also challenges me to ready myself for...anything.

Your Card


This marker warns of a shaky foundation placed on a fault line. At best, this reminds you that shake-ups are necessary when you need a wake-up call. It’s a warning for you to be diligent and alert when making decisions. This can also portend a toppling of plans, ideas, or a total destruction of something hard won, worked for, or desired.
Be reminded that the way of the God/Goddess is one of mystery and chaos, and chaos is the ultimate cleanser. Disruption brings delays and upsets that have a hidden gift of opportunity within them.
This is the time to rethink, rebuild, and refortify that which was previously unstable, or it allows you to begin anew. Without this gift, you wouldn’t be adequately supported later on, when you’ll need it most.
The greater message reminds you that, in life, all people, places, concepts, and things are but fleeting on the path to wholeness. Only Spirit is stable and eternal. Such is the Wisdom of Avalon.

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